hugh grant holding a baby in about a boy

Like holding a tiny, fragile demon. (Picture show: Virtually a Boy)

Admitting you lot don't similar babies is the first step. The outset step in making people think you are a total monster.

Because information technology goes against nature. You are literally going against all your evolutionary instincts to call up babies are adorable and want to have your own ASAP.

But information technology'due south normal to dislike babies or be afraid of them. Or just call up they're creepy and weird. Because they are.

And we all need to stop lying to ourselves.

1. They're boring as f*ck

Ooh, look, information technology blinked. Now it's made a noise. Tin can we sentry a picture show now?

2. Their tiny hands are terrifying

And so easy to crush.

3. In fact, their tiny everything is terrifying

Modest things are creepy. Fact.

elliot scrubs tiny hands

(Picture: Scrubs)

four. Yous are horrified by how fragile they are

If I driblet this, accidentally smack it in the head, or leave it outside in the rain, information technology'south probably going to be permanently damaged. How is that non the scariest affair in the earth to people?

five. You lot're very used to people looking at yous like a heartless monster when yous reveal your anti-babe stance

Dude, I'm not against the creation of life. They only freak me out.

half-dozen. Yous live in fear of the moment when someone volition ask you lot: 'Tin y'all but concord little Timothy for a minute?'

Nope, my arms don't work. Soz.

vii. That 'newborn babe smell' is sickening


that's so gross lena dunham girls

viii. You have felt awful virtually your lack of reaction to an ultrasound

Aye. That is a  blob. Congrats.

I'm pitiful, I swear I'm happy for your joyous journeying, I just experience literally nothing looking at this pixelated photo.

9. You don't GET baby talk

I'll simply talk to this pocket-sized person like an developed, or not at all, thanks.

10. Or how people deal with cleaning upwardly their poop

I mean, serious respect to everyone who does this. Only tin can we finish pretending this isn't a horrible, awful part of life?

11. Your fake 'awww, that'due south then adorable!' reaction deserves an Oscar, TBH

Because subsequently the third time of being shown a tiny pair of shoes, or a picture of a baby face down in some spaghetti, y'all realised that having literally zero reaction will elicit daze and horror from all your friends and co-workers.

rachel bilson summer the oc fake smile gif

12. Yous sometimes doubt whether a 'cute baby' isactuallya affair

Is everyone just pretending to enjoy these tiny squished up faces?

13. And feel a LOT of pressure to know which babies are cute and which are not


14. A large bulk of viral YouTube videos do absolutely nothing for yous

'OMG the babe did a thing!' Nope, nothing.

xv. Yous often feel like they become way besides much praise and it's non off-white

Applauding your infant each time it poops is simply a terrible message for their future and what they should wait from life. They have achieved nothing.

Where is my applause? I woke upwardly on the second snooze push button this morning. Don't I deserve praise?

oh good for you britney spears clapping

16. You're guilty of making the wrong face in response to someone's 'I'k pregnant!' announcement

Turns out that after a certain historic period, yous're meant to think it'south exciting. Not reply with 'oh my god, are you okay? What are you going to do?'

17. Invitations to christenings and babies' birthday parties are a minefield

What's an appropriate present for a baby? Stamps?

Will there be alcohol at this party? Is the baby going to effort to host? Because I actually don't think it'south up to it.

xviii. Their crying is similar a horror film come up to life

WHAT Do You lot Want FROM ME, DEMON?

what do you want from me gif

nineteen. And you lot're very unsettled by the fact that anything can set them off

Oh no, oh no, oh no, what do I do now? Where is the off push?

twenty. You are unbearably awkward around them and it's embarrassing

Yous've probably tried to make small talk with a baby, asked them about their job, and then remembered that they can't talk.

Oh great, their mum's simply walked back in, and they think you're insane.

21. Y'all get in a lot of problem for referring to babies every bit 'it'

It happens.

22. You secretly doubtable that they don't like you, either

Why else do they cry whenever you lot're nearby? The babies know.

23. Watching them eat is genuinely disgusting

Please, people, stop sharing photos of them ADORABLY rubbing block all over their face.

donald glover community horror face

24. People sometimes assume you are a cold, emotionless robot immune to cuteness

But considering I don't like your pocket-size child doesn't mean I don't like actual cute things.

You should run into my 'pugs running gifs' binder.

25. When you are unlucky plenty to exist near a baby, y'all sit rigidly in fearfulness of existence puked on

Or pooped on. Or cried at.

26. Banning babies from public places actually sounds like a corking idea

I'g lamentable, I know it's awful, only wouldn't it exist squeamish to read a volume or drink a fancy cup of tea without hearing screaming babies?

They don't know what'due south going on. They're not bothered about missing a trip to a nice restaurant. Go out them at dwelling.

tina fey mean girls go home gif

27. Yous are very used to being told 'it'll all exist different when yous have your own'

Um. Don't think trying out that theory is worth the take a chance.

In brusk: No babies, cheers.

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