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Can I Get Pregnant if I Have an Irregular Period

Becoming a mother is just one of the most beautiful things a woman can experience.

However, while some women find it easy to conceive, others struggle to get pregnant. There are a number of factors that affect a woman's ability

There are a number of factors that affect a woman's ability to become pregnant and one of these is the irregularity of her periods.

While you can still get pregnant with irregular periods, it is usually more difficult.

How can you identify if you have an irregular period?

Generally, women with regular menstrual cycle get their periods every 28 days. On the other hand, if you have an irregular menstrual cycle (irregular periods, for short), you may experience very long cycles (from 45 to 60 days) or in some cases, skip your period every few months.

Some even have their period more than once in a month. Menstrual cycles not occurring as often as it would with a typical monthly cycle is clinically known as a condition called anovulation.

Normally, all of us can experience irregular periods on our first menstruation which regularizes after a few months.

In fact, those women with a regular menstrual cycle can still experience an irregular menstrual cycle once they enter perimenopause .

An irregular menstrual cycle can be induced either by chronic stress, significant weight loss or gain, illness, travel and even certain medications such as birth control pills.

It was discovered that women who are battling eating disorders often have hormonal imbalances, which result in irregular or completely absent menstrual periods (called amenorrhea ).

What can cause an irregular period?

Genetics and hormones are the most common causes of irregular periods.

However, an irregular period may also be induced by chronic stress, significant weight loss or gain, illness, travel and even certain medications such as birth control pills.

It was discovered that women who are battling eating disorders often have hormonal imbalances, which result in irregular or completely absent menstrual periods.

How can irregular periods affect your ability to get pregnant?

  • Those with regular periods will have between 11 and 13 menstrual periods in one calendar year, which means that they will have up to 13 opportunities to conceive each year.

  • Those who have an irregular period still ovulate, but not on a regular and predictable schedule. The challenge is not knowing when you can ovulate and conceive. If a woman fails to release an egg, she loses the ability to ovulate and consequently, the opportunity to get pregnant. In simpler terms, how often your menstruation arrives is equivalent to your chance of conceiving.

  • Irregular periods can be upsetting if you are trying to conceive. According to studies, irregular or abnormal ovulation and menstruation cycle account for 30 to 40 percent of all cases of infertility. Irregular periods or abnormal ovulation, however, is not necessarily a problem if you know how to chart your fertility signs, most importantly your cervical fluid  and internal temperature. These fertility signs may help you identify when you are approaching your fertility period. To increase your chances of getting pregnant, you should closely monitor these signs so you can easily track your ovulation period.

Are treatments available for irregular periods?

Before undergoing medical procedures, it is important to know if there are natural remedies available that could help address irregular periods.

Medical studies show that the brain controls the overall the systematic functions of the human body. It is medically proven that a woman's emotion is linked to her cycle.

Thus, the less stress you experience, the better your hormones will work to keep your cycle on track.

You should also prioritize her health. Aside from the basics – avoid smoking and secondhand smoke, developing a healthy diet and lifestyle and performing regular exercise – intake of plant proteins such as hummus, dark chocolate, and boiled eggs are often recommended by some doctors.

Oriental medication such as acupuncture and regular meditation also helps the body to relax and prepares your body for ovulation.

Dr. Carolyn Alexander of the Southern California Reproductive Center explained that we should also pay more attention to our lifestyle. The amount of sleep you get, eating habits and stress level all play an important role in your attempt to get pregnant.

Irregular periods are often a highly treatable condition. So make sure to talk to your doctor for more accurate diagnoses as well as to increase your chances of pregnancy.

To increase the number of your ovulation period, doctors often prescribed medication and fertility drugs such as Clomid and Serophene.

These drugs may induce ovulation that can result into multiple gestations in 10 percent of women.

On the other hand, naturopathic doctors often prefer to prescribe herbal supplements available on the market which contains vitex to regulate ovulation.


Having an irregular period does not mean something is wrong within your body; however, it does affect your ability to conceive.

You should not be scared in seeking professional and medical help to regulate irregular periods as every case is individually unique from the other.

It is better to seek professional advice than to try methods and drugs that could endanger your life.

Another important thing you can do is to take good care of your health and emotional well-being.

Can I Get Pregnant if I Have an Irregular Period
